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Bakelite® Chemicals for Oil and Natural Gas Production

IndustriesOil, Natural Gas, Fuel, MiningChemicals for Oil and Natural Gas Production

Bakelite® Chemicals for Oil and Natural Gas Production


Around the globe, we supply a broad range of Bakelite® phenolic resins that enable our customers to manufacture additives and proppants that perform effectively with a wide variety of oils and temperature conditions.

Demulsifiers and Dispersants

During oil production, water must be separated from crude oil before it reaches the refinery to reduce transport cost, corrosion and the growth of microorganisms. Crude oil can also contain asphaltenes that can block pipelines when they precipitate by agglomeration due to temperature and pressure drops.

Key Features and Typical Benefits

  • Various chemistries available to cover a broad range of oil types and temperature conditions
  • Customized solutions

The Bakelite® alkyl phenolic novolacs may be used for manufacturing demulsifiers by alkoxylation process.

Demulsifiers are water-oil emulsion breakers for crude oil:

  • Water droppers
  • Desalters
  • Drying agents
  • Asphaltene dispersants

Our alkyl phenolic resin offering includes:

  • Butylphenol, octylphenol, nonylphenol and dodecylphenol based resins
  • Unmodified and modified versions
  • Liquid solution or solid flake availability
  • Grades with free alkyl phenols <0.1%

Proppant Resins

Bakelite® phenolic proppant coating resins for hydraulic fracturing enhance crush resistance and minimize the negative effect of proppant fines. They can be used on sand, ceramic, bauxite as well as other types of base materials.

Bakelite Synthetics Oil and Gas Production Chemicals

Bakelite Synthetics Oil and Gas Production Chemicals Table